Thursday, August 25, 2022

How to Pray to God for Strength

Strength is one of the most important values that a caregiver must possess. However, regardless of the effort, we show, we are still human. Here is a guide to praying for strength during these challenging times:

1. Be open to God with your fears.

When we pray to God, we must first lay out all our burdens and problems unto Him. To do so, we must tell Him our worries and our anxieties and why we are afraid of these possibilities. Verbalizing our innermost concerns to God lets Him know that we are humble enough to ask for His ultimate guidance instead of keeping it inside. It also enables us to become closer to Him because we trust that He can understand our feelings.

2. Ask Him to lend His strength to you and your loved one.

A human's strength is nothing compared to the strength of God. How can we even compare when He was willing to sacrifice His only son for the ultimate good? With such sacrifice in mind, one needs to ask Him for strength when bringing themselves through this crisis. When we learn to ask God for His strength and courage, we become stronger—knowing that nothing is impossible for Him. 

3. Ask for comfort, guidance, and the ability to make wiser decisions.

Other than strength, we also need to ask for comfort, advice, and intelligent decision-making skills. These aspects are fundamental because a cancer diagnosis is undoubtedly alarming and can be very overwhelming. When we learn to ask God for His grace, mercy, and wisdom—we become agents of His will, enabling us to carry out the tasks necessary for His purpose.

4. Thank the Lord for his infinite goodness.

Last but not least is to thank the Lord for His kindness. We cannot predict the Lord's answer and how He can help us live through this, but practicing gratefulness keeps us humble and better followers. When we learn to be grateful despite the challenges, we become better disciples, ready for miracles to happen.

We cannot predict what God's plans are. However, we can learn to become better believers despite becoming cancer caregivers. Contact your local pastor or priest for help if you need thorough spiritual guidance. Stay safe and keep the faith.

by Diane Davies

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Does Positive Thinking Help?

People often confuse positive thinking with ignoring the overall bad parts of life. When we tell someone to "think positively," it often sounds dismissive, making them wonder if we even care.

In reality, "positive thinking" involves looking at things from a positive point of view. It doesn't mean to think things naively or force yourself to be happy when things are bad. It also involves being optimistic even when things seem to go against the way you want them to.

With that in mind, staying positive also brings several benefits. Some examples include:

1. Offers overall better stress management skills.

People who manage to train their minds to think positively are less likely to be affected by stress and its side effects. Stress can weaken a person's mental and physical fortitude—making them more susceptible to various diseases that may manifest physically and mentally.

2. Enhances overall psychological health.

Staying positive during trying times can enhance a person's overall psychological health. Remember, it doesn't involve denial, nor does it include seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. When people accept the things, they cannot change yet choose to live through the pain, this can increase their mental strength—giving them the courage to withstand further pain and suffering.

3. Improves the immune system.

The brain is a mighty organ. However, it can release signals affecting the body's overall physical health when stressed. Fortunately, we can prevent such potential illnesses by convincing ourselves to stay strong and to allow ourselves to recover. When we learn to take things slow and listen to our health care provider, we can provide ourselves with opportunities to better improve our health.

A cancer diagnosis may seem like the end of the world, but that doesn't mean you should give up. Contact your nearest mental health care professional if you suspect your loved one may benefit from psychological health. Good luck and stay safe.

by Diane Davies

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Values that a Caregiver Must Possess

In my book, I talk about the experiences of what it was like to have a loved one with cancer, including the sudden change of becoming their primary caregiver.

As you can expect, hearing the diagnosis first-hand from a doctor can bring a lot of emotional weight. This is especially true for your loved one, who may consider such news earth-shattering. Fear, numbness, shock, anger, and sadness can overwhelm them—making them vulnerable to physical and emotional pain.

As a caregiver, one must showcase a specific set of values to show a sense of calm. Here are some virtues to consider:

1. Patience

A cancer diagnosis can cause one to feel overwhelmed and vulnerable. When people feel these emotions, they may lash out and potentially make rash decisions because they don't have much time left.

As a caregiver, you must be patient with your loved one's emotions. This step gives them time to process their diagnosis while also considering how they want to approach this together.

2. Faith

Faith is a strong belief in a person, value, or God. When people start believing in a higher sense of being or purpose, it helps them develop a sense of perspective. It also brings a sense of peace. It allows them to view their diagnosis as a challenge instead of a world-shattering event.

3. Compassion

Compassion is showing kindness and concern. After a diagnosis, your loved one may go through a series of emotions that can either be explosive or muted. You must show compassion throughout, so it gives them the sense of knowing they can be vulnerable with you. Nevertheless, you should also be stern with them when it matters. That way, you don't come across as a doormat or a "yes man."

4. Strength

Strength encompasses all these values and more. It also involves leading when your loved one diverts from their expected health care plan. For instance, if they don't take their medications, avoid the doctor, or cope with unhealthy habits—you must learn to step in and steer them on the right path. While it helps to be tough, it also pays to be gentle to not add any more stress to your loved one.

Being a caregiver requires a set of roles and responsibilities. Whether you're the spouse, friend, or family member--being a caregiver means ensuring their best interests are met. It also means playing a collaborative role while becoming the leader when necessary. If you suddenly become a caregiver, please be mindful of the values you showcase, which can affect your relationship entirely.

by Diane Davies

Monday, August 8, 2022

The Fear of the Unknown

Our future is right before our eyes. The decisions we make today will influence the dawn of our tomorrow. We live today intending to secure a future that will suit our dreams and values in life. But why do we keep recalling past happenings only to treat them as if there is no escape from a prison of agony? We rely on our yesterday only to find ourselves clawing for a way out of a mess we keep getting back into. 

The fear of the unknown is something we cannot escape from. Even when we like things planned and secured ahead of time, the dreadful reality of the limitless possibilities drives people into an anxious state. There is no escaping fear, it’s either we face it, or we run from it.

When things don’t usually take the best course suited for you (which is almost at all times), it takes a little bit of courage and a sprinkle of strength to take that next step and fight for your tomorrow. What seems to be the perfect plan won’t be as perfect as it is when you start to act it out.

How do you get over that struggle? You don’t! You need to work through and through and stand your ground. Gather your spirit and be willing to do what it takes to get you through a hard battle. 

The road you take may be a road that shapes you to become the best version of yourself in the future. Or maybe the road you are taking leads to an event that will teach you a vital lesson in life. 

The fear of the unknown will always be present among us and within us. The chances of going through a difficult time in life are a hundred percent guaranteed. It is never too late to stop being anxious and start hoping for a better future.

by Diane Davies

Friday, August 5, 2022

Secrets to Surviving Life

When you go through a difficult path in life, you realize that there is so much more to what we think our destinies are. The dreams, goal, and thoughts we keep to ourselves keeps us alive and thriving in the journey of surviving life. Despite the worldly raucous and the threats to human civilization, our lives are worth every little ounce of hope we could gather from this ever-changing world.

Are there any secrets to surviving life? Is there a secret ingredient to recover from the turmoil when you go through heart-breaking illnesses? I bet you there is none! However, the truths to a thriving life stay embedded within my heart forever:

Keep Calm and Be Happy.

You know when things don’t go your way, and life starts to go crazy? You need to keep calm, pray, and be happy for the new day. Every day you wake up and breathe the fresh air is a gift of life. It’s always good to keep a smile on your face and be thankful.

Never disregard an opportunity.

Opportunities come and go, and there are some that would definitely lead you to your path to success. There may be times that you would think twice, but you need to remember that there are so many people praying day in and day out just to get that opportunity you are getting. The least you could do is give it a try.

See things for what they truly are.

When you see things with clarity, you become sure of the actions you want to take. Strive hard to be someone who sights the truth and the corrupted. There are those who seek to destroy you as well as uplift you. 

There are no secrets to surviving life. Everything we do to accomplish our dreams and become content with our lives is because of our actions to achieve those dreams. The effort we put into becoming our better selves is an answer sitting in plain sight, but we find it so hard to see. 

by Diane Davies

Monday, August 1, 2022

Dealing with the Pain

When you think life has given you everything it has to throw at you, think again. People are bound to experience horrible things. Your ability to think twice and deny the real story of your lives subjects you to a harsh reality where you cannot display and share your true emotions. 

Living as if nothing is allowing you to be free and dealing with the pain in agony is something we have all experienced or will experience in the future. The chances of being relieved from a painful encounter are rarely granted to those who have sought contentedness within themselves. However, there is no other time like the present, and the world will still keep on turning even though you’re experiencing a rough patch.

A Buddhist Proverb that relays a vital message to individuals goes like this, “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” The chances of freeing ourselves from the dreaded suffering stem from our minds. We can choose not to suffer; we have the option to take another approach to deal with the pain. 

In a marathon, you don’t outrun the pain; you feel it. Even with the soreness of your muscles in the middle of the tracking field, the shortness of breath, and the pounding of your heart as it rapidly pumps blood throughout your body, you still choose to continue to fight and run so long as you cross the finish line. The only thing that stays on your mind is how you are sure that there is a destination with every step you take.

The road you are taking now might be filled with darkness. But never forget that you are still on the road leading somewhere. The pain you are dealing with is not permanent. Though it takes longer to go through, just take one step at a time, and someday soon, you will live past everything that is hurting you.

by Diane Davies